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Exploring How Yoga Poses Transform Your Physical and Mental Well-being

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Bharadvaja's Twist


In this yoga posture, the body rotates to one side, with one arm placed on the opposite leg and the other arm placed on the floor for stability. The head follows the body's rotation, with the gaze directed towards the twisting side.


Enhances spine flexibility and mobility.

Improves digestion and promotes organ health.

Relieves tension in the back and neck.

Enhances body posture and balance.


Boat Pose


In Boat Pose, the body leans backward, lifting the hips off the ground, and both legs and torso are raised together, forming a V shape. The arms can extend forward parallel to the legs, or the hands can hold the knees.

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Strengthens the core muscles, especially the rectus abdominis.

Improves balance and stability.

Strengthens abdominal organs and improves the digestive system.

Improves posture, reducing discomfort in the back and waist.


Bow Pose


In Bow Pose, the body lies flat on the ground, legs bent, and hands grasping the feet or ankles. By lifting the head, chest, and legs upwards, a bow shape is formed.


Opens the chest, shoulders, and front body.

Strengthens the muscles of the back and waist.

Stimulates digestive organs and metabolism.

Improves flexibility and body posture.


Bridge Pose


In Bridge Pose, the body lies flat on the ground, legs bent, feet placed on the floor at a moderate distance from the hips. The hands are placed on either side of the body, palms facing down. Then, by tightening the glutes and thigh muscles, the hips are lifted off the ground, forming a bridge.

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Strengthens the muscles of the spine, glutes, and thighs.

Expands the chest, improving respiratory function.

Stimulates the thyroid and adrenal glands, balancing the body's endocrine system.

Relieves back pain and stiffness.

Camel Pose


In Camel Pose, start from a kneeling position, with knees parallel to the hips and hands placed on the hips or heels. Then, lean the body backward, pushing the hips forward, while lifting the chest and gazing backward.


Opens the front body, chest, and shoulders.

Strengthens the spine and back muscles.

Improves flexibility and body posture.

Stimulates the adrenal glands, relieving anxiety and stress.

Post time: May-02-2024